ATM Machinery
Vacuum Packaging Machines & Metal Conveyor Belts

  • Published in Fairs

Interpack 2014

As from 8 to 14 May 2014, ATM Machinery will be present at the Interpack in Düsseldorf, Germany. During Interpack ATM Machinery will present vacuum packing equipment and metal conveyor belts. You can visit us in Hall 08b / F65.


Sous-vide cooking

Vacuum packaging also allows for a special cooking method, sous-vide. Sous-vide, French for under vacuum, involves poaching food that is vacuum sealed in a plastic bag.


Prevent freezer burn

When foods are frozen without preparation, freezer burn can occur. It happens when the surface of the food is dehydrated, and this leads to a dried and leathery appearance. Freezer burn also ruins the flavor and texture of foods. Vacuum packing reduces freezer burn by preventing the food from exposure to the cold, dry air.

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